sometimes there are absolutely perfect moments. tiny little snippets of time where everything comes together and makes sense. no worries, no problems, just this one perfect moment. my most vivid memories. the first autry kiss was a perfect moment, on a bench in downtown palo alto. when ani played 'as is' and 'two little girls' and lo and i wouldn't let go of each other, that was a perfect few minutes. that whole concert was nearly perfect, actually. standing on the street outside paz's house holding erica while she cried. it's something about connection, something about everything else falling away and not mattering. sure it all comes crashing back in but right then it's miles away.
yesterday on campus with the rain falling around me and not a soul in sight was one of those times. that's why i didn't care about the dumb sixies, i wasn't going to let them ruin my perfect little bit of happiness.
sadly, bits of perfection are few and far between.