Monday, November 25, 2002

to quote malvolio, 'i am happy.' thank you. right now, that's the best thing you could have possibly said and my answer is of course. that's all i want.

Sunday, November 24, 2002

okay, guys, i know i have an ip tracker, but can we do a head count?

i really hate mangling names. they look so ugly and yet i feel i have to. for some reason the only name i refuse to remove is my own, for now at least. wow, did that sound egotistical or what?

so, proof positive of why we should get rid of names: someone searched ee-rees c4stilleja blogspot (spelled correctly) and found c4ddie's blog. erm.

so i've realized my problem. every one of my friends is passionate about something. i am boring in comparison, just a shadow of everyone else.

there are so many unwritten letters to you swirling in my brain. i could never write them down and if i actually managed to, i know i would never have the courage to send them.

fuck you for being hot. fuck you for existing. fuck you for ignoring me.