Wednesday, August 11, 2004

don't close your eyes

i need
red lipstick
more time

and you.
by now everyone knows who i mean when i say that.
do you?
we were fire and magic and perfect
or at least i thought so
i carried your poem in my bag
your image in my mind
your words burned into my memory
and i waited to see you again
to see if that fire that had been smoldering
would finally ignite.
i pore over the words to find some meaning
some explanation.
wait in vain for the courage to call
knowing that i should.
writing is easier than speaking -
the words flow and i can tell you what i think
what i feel
the things i can't bring myself to voice.
if this . . . was a message left on your phone
i would have stopped long ago
unsure of what to say
how to fill the silence that says more than i ever can.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

cornflower blue

i saw ryan page at the mvcpa today. he's the kind of person i've worked on crews with, but never really gotten to know. he was the only other crewmember on the hang for joseph. so today i'm standing in the hall and i've seen him around but don't know if he even recognises me and he comes walking by, looks at me, stops, and says 'is your name iris?' 'skinda funny to run into someone like that. and have them remember you.
random story of the day.

peaceful easy feeling

i know you won't let me down
cuz i'm already standing on the ground

cleveland with the color removed

all in all, frustration seems to be the theme set out by whichever gods are currently throwing things my way. feel as if have been running for a week solid on caffeine, despite fair amounts of sleep. hello? brain? i've been good to you. why do you hate me?
me: brain this is iris
brain: go ahead
me: could you be a bit more alert?
brain: what was that?
me: more alert
brain: sorry, wasn't paying attention. i'm tired. you should sleep now.
me: i've *been* sleeping. what more do you want?
brain: not food.
me: but food is good!
brain: sorry. try again later.
me: wait!
brain: we're sorry, you have reached an automated respose. your brain is not available at the moment. would you like to leave a message?